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Discover The Enchanting Prostrate Beauty Deodar Cedar

Discover the Enchanting Prostrate Beauty Deodar Cedar

A Low-Growing Conifer with Captivating Blue Foliage

Prostrate Beauty: A Unique Cultivar

For ardent admirers of the stately Deodar cedar, the cultivar Prostrate Beauty offers a mesmerizing twist with its distinctive blue-gray foliage. Its low-growing and spreading nature transforms this evergreen shrub into a captivating addition to any landscape.

Whorls of Soft Needles

Prostrate Beauty's foliage consists of whorls of soft, needle-like leaves that shimmer in a captivating shade of blue. This unique coloration sets it apart from the traditional green foliage of its parent species, creating a striking contrast.

Origins and Popularity

Discovered at Iseli Nursery in 1979, Prostrate Beauty has since become a beloved classic among horticultural enthusiasts. Its compact habit and extraordinary foliage make it ideal for a wide range of garden designs, from rock gardens to foundation plantings.


Deodara cedar enthusiasts will be captivated by the enchanting beauty of the Prostrate Beauty cultivar. Its soft, blue-gray foliage and low-growing nature make it a captivating choice for any garden. Whether adorning a rock garden, adding interest to a foundation planting, or simply creating a focal point in a container, Prostrate Beauty will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression with its unique and alluring charm.
